BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

Understanding the benefits and limitations of the API

Satisfying ECM requirements with the Meridian Enterprise API presents countless opportunities for unique and creative solutions. But it’s not the only solution to every problem, or necessarily the best. With the power of the API come additional responsibilities that are important to understand before you begin a Meridian Enterprise programming project.

Below are listed some of the more prominent advantages and disadvantages of developing solutions based on the Meridian Enterprise API.

Meridian Enterprise API comparison
Advantage Disadvantage

Nearly unlimited functionality and flexibility.

Requires programming skill and experience.

Enables tight integration with other applications.

Visual Basic executables cannot be used with Web Access. VBScript support for Web Access is limited.

Functionality is more secure than simple configuration.

Changes and maintenance are more complex.

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